Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
call them what they are.... illegal aliens. this undocumented worker bullshit is just stupid.
I use the same language as my lawyer friend who works with the ACLU. He's not stupid, he doesn't use stupid language, so I guess "undocumented guest workers" isn't stupid. They work harder than you and I put together, so they've earned a little respect.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
and again, so they got a little more in wages... .whooop. the "owner" still took home more than the lion's share. You know why that's fair? Because the owner takes all the risk. The owner puts up all the capital money, equipment, and expenses. That's business 101. Again, not much different than the CEO.
Productivity shot up after my first little venture into the world of labor, which more than made up for the increase in wages. He may have been venturing everything, but it's meaningless without the most efficient means to put those investments to work.