I have a 1911 in .45ACP in my nightstand. A lot of good information in this thread--basically from personal experience, what I've found is to rent pistols at your local range, try a couple until you're impressed by one, and buy it. Any modern pistol caliber above .380 in +P JHP loading should be sufficient to stop an motivated attacker given the right shot placement.
Be sure to practice shooting with one hand holding a flashlight and another on the pistol--you see it in cop movies sometime where the dominant hand holds the pistol, while the support hand holds the flashlight underneath it. An instructor I trained under suggested using momentary on switches to identify the target, then switching off to avoid giving a large bright light to shoot at.
I've found that I can make 10 ring shots consistently at 15 yards with a 1911, so that's the weapon I chose. Good luck and be safe.