Originally Posted by JustJess
Also, remember, you just need to be consistent now. They are at their worst as kittens, and will be trying for quite some time until they settle down.
I've tried all the above. Each gets them down, but they seem to sneak back up. They know it's wrong 'cause they jump when they see me coming and I've been as consistent as possible. If I see it, I'm squirting, making noise, etc.
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Oh, and cats HATE HATE HATE sticky things on their feet, so try lining some of the places you don't want them to go with double-sided tape. Works like a charm, I promise you. Cardboard/paperboard pieces sprayed with Craftbond spray adhesive will also keep cats off of larger surfaces you don't want to line with tape. They'll jump up there once, get sticky, hate it, and not go back for seconds. Couple this with your other reinforcement tactics, and you should see an improvement.
That sounds like something that might work. Haven't heard of that or tried it yet. I will be picking up some of that tape tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
my cats like to eat the tape. strange but true. they open up packages we recieve and boxes that have tape on them.
I have about a half-dozen open boxes here in the "office". The cats are forever chewing and pulling on the tape. I find pieces of it throughout the house.
Thank you all for the input. The tacky tape does sound promising. Both kitties are prissier than any cat I've had before. If that doesn't do it, I may have to go for the scat mat.