Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
Will, correct me please because I assume I'm wrong.
Catwoman is a line walker. She isn't "good" or "bad"; she's a thief who gets what she can. She is incredibly sexy but I don't think going the road of sex pot is a good idea; she is a cat, she is elusive and she is young. Alexis is beautiful, small and innocent, but her eyes can scream; it's all eyes with Nolan. He loves method, which she is. She gets pigeon holed hard core because she played the cutesie girl next door for so long, but she has range. Trust me.
Watch Sin City again and see what I see. Potential.
Catwoman's not necessarily young. I think the age difference between Bale (34) and Bledel (26) would be an issue. I suspect people would be more comfortable with a woman closer to the 30-35 range so that it doesn't feel like he's robbing the cradle.
BTW, Bledel is not method. She's also never done anything that required her to really show her acting chops. WB dramas could star anyone (*cough* Katie Holmes *cough*) and her movie career is really unimpressive. When Ledger was brought on board, it was after he had made a name for himself in Brokeback and I'm Not There.