Is the internet making me stupid? depends what stupid means, Google in the articles above is used as metaphor for the much larger concept of the information age we are now imersed in.
It has taken away our need to commit to memory certain our phone numbers and more recently with GPS, directions, this convenience and is not an indication of stupidity
The inability to concentrate on a single piece of information (like a book) is due, in part to the amount of information we surround ourselves with competing for our attention - were we to shut ourselves in a room without distraction we would soon find immersion in a good book not to be something we have lost, just something we place barriers in front of with tv, music, internet.
Great swathes of knowledge that used to be commonplace have been lost due to advances in technology. I, for example could not make a fire or navigate by the stars, or reliably tell the time by the passage of the sun