Originally Posted by Atreides88
It's because there is no evidence to support the resurrection and the life everlasting, but that's where faith comes in. Christians take it on as a matter of faith, nothing more nothing less. Jesus himself said that there is no way we can understand it or understand God's plans, as we are mere mortals and if we could understand it all, it would make God and Jesus rather unnecessary.
Why don't you think that we, a bunch of vulgar and hate-filled creatures, could offend a supreme diety with what we do everyday? War, hate, genocide, murder, theft, adultery, dishonesty, those would sure offend me.
A couple of questions: are you of the belief that humans are born "tainted with sin", or do you think that new born babies are truly innocent?
Would you find it more an aspect of faith than a calculated statisic that there is other intellegent life in the vastness of the known universe (not even our own Milky Way, but the whole)
Ive been to the garden tomb several times, the only physical anomoly I found was a piece of a metal rod within the rock that used to hold the stone door in place. It had been sheared. The tour guides did not mention for some reason. While some people would see that as something left by an angel that came down and flung the gate open, I see it as a metal rod that used to be there. Other than that; there is nothing else. The faith of millions is based on a writing that was written by MEN who say they were inspired by God, and then edited several times after that.
Athanasius of Alexandria and men (and I do mean men- women were not part of this editing process) like him have dictated what millions place their faith in.
Book of Adam and Eve, Book of Jubilees, Book of Enoch, Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Proto-Gospel of James, Gnostic Scriptures of Nag Hammadi, Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Nicodemus, Apocalypse of Peter, so on and so on . . . what are your thoughts on them? Have you ever read them, any of them?