Originally Posted by Prophecy
Will, you mentioned a new Freeze simply because he could be someone that the audience could feel sorry for, someone they could sympathize or empathize with. In that same vein what about the original Scarface with Arnold Wesker at the helm?
The dummy wouldn't work. We could see that he was nuts, but we've already had the best in that category: Joker. comics.
Originally Posted by Prophecy
As for Bane, I don't see how they could add him without staying true to the end mythos. So now the Bat is broken... Where do we go from here? We can't end with Bruce crippled and adding Azrael (Valley) just seems crazy. Not to mention adding Valley instead of Robin or Nightwing would lose more than a few people. So that means Batman has to be broken and the come back from being a paralyzed better than ever. Just explaining that might be a bit much in the realistic world that the films are set in.
The Nolan Batman movies have not stuck with the original comic books. They wouldn't have to have Batman's back broken, just have him lose 1 on 1 really badly.