I have a bit of a touchy question: Would it be acceptable to allow Africa to sink? What I'm getting at is that problems like this, tribal genocide, AIDS, overpopulation, and a myriad of other problems that nothing short of all out war and restructuring will fix, is it time to stop all aid and outreach programs to Africa and let them[Africans] burn it to the ground as they seem hellbent on doing?
The Other Side of Kim du Toit - Essays
Africa is giving nothing to anyone -- apart from AIDS - Kevin Myers, Columnists - Independent.ie
Writing what I should have written so many years ago - Kevin Myers, Columnists - Independent.ie
"There is no need to suppose that human beings differ very much one from another: but it is true that the ones who come out on top are the ones who have been trained in the hardest school." -- Thucydides