Originally Posted by matthew330
Fellow with the green bay packers helmet for an avatar, this:
"Your nation tends to put itself at the forefront for everything, and then expects when things go bad, for people to look aside. It's a lack of political accountability, and at least a little, if not a lot of, arrogance that makes this possible. And even though it isn't (or shouldn't be), it's become an international joke. It doesn't make you or the individuals of your country that; not even close. But the way you allow yourselves to be presented is all we see. And because of that, that's why we're here. That's how I feel. "
...though it sounds real smart, means nothing...and purposefully - seriously ZERO. And this is what you wanted me to re-read? Its really a relatively simple thread topic, that YOU freaked over. To say that I got inflamed is ridiculous.
You never once addressed the point of the thread, took it in your own direction, and got pissed that I didn't follow your 51 Why I hate america points, and Daniel's 36 of them.
You and Hanukah Harry now get a head pat from me and an ass-kick out the door. Thats really all you deserve.
I responded because you implied that American's are not arrogant, in fact they are very accepting. But when others come into contact with Americans or even become one, they feel the need to shit on them. I responded by saying "I think this is why". The fact that you find it meaningless doesn't matter; it makes me kind of annoyed and cheated that I invested in a conversation that ultimately ended in someone who is a decade my senior calling my opinions useless and that all I deserved was to be booted from the conversation. I know I don't agree with you man, I don't really care if you don't agree with me. If you got into a conversation with someone who belittled you, and you felt like coming here and shitting on him through us, you're not really in the right place.
The list I made was semi-serious; mostly because I take what comes "out of america" with a grain of salt. I realize no one actually feels like O'Reilly but that's what people see; insane media, a larger then life president, excessive "patriotism", wars, economic and militaristic superpower, political statements like "if your not for us, your against us", etc. You're country, over the past few years, has become kinda like People; I don't give a fuck about Lindsay Lohan but people seem to love to watch her burn. In reality you're not burning, you're just another country, but that's people. People are always looking to shit on those above them.
The problem in this conversation is that people said things that you disagreed with and then jabbed at them with little pokes. For instance, you never referring to me by name, it's Taylor by the way, and making a joke about it all of the time. Little smart ass comments which made me jab back, and then you continued to accuse me of "starting it". It's childish dude, I just wanted to talk to you about something that has been part of my life since I was old enough to think about it.
You say things that have no real purpose either. You never directly answer what I have to say and when I ask you to you do a shrug take with the same line "What do you want me to say?" or "You're ridiculous so why would I answer". And you act like I should give you respect. You're showing me less then respect, you're insulting my intelligence by telling me it's useless, and that there is no substance to what I say.
Its rude, it's unfriendly, its cocky, and really condescending. My feelings aren't hurt. But don't start threads that you don't want to hear answers to. Like I said before, just go to chat if you want to say something incendiary if you want to have a boxing match.
"Tilted Forum Project - TFP - Sexuality, Philosophy, and Political Discussion"
The only reason I refuse to give up is because I'm young and naive and hope that you'll listen to one of us once. But don't ever tell me that I'm useless ever again. And don't quote that and be a smart ass. Just don't call me useless again.