Tilted Cat Head
Location: Manhattan, NY
Originally Posted by pan6467
What kind of profits are the CEO's bringing???? GM's, Chase's, Ford's, CitGroup, National City, Yahoo, etc.?
What profits are they bringing?
I guess you missed my point that IF you pay the workers more, allow them more disposable income, they buy more, they work harder so that your products are better.... and in turn YOU make more, the shareholders make more and ALL profit.
Where exactly has the Dow been going? But those CEO's and upper management guys are making you dividends and your stocks are skyrocketing because the profits are pouring in .....  . Yeah. Ok then.
Let the average guy lose his house, watch his dreams go to Hell, but you make your fucking profit and pay that CEO to ship more jobs out.
Good luck with that.
CEOS and upper management are contracted employees. There are terms that are agreed to when they come on board. Even if you decide to remove the CEO, there's a penalty to be paid for it to buy out the contract. Want to attract another CEO that can produce for the company. His first thing to do is to make sure that he's covered if he gets ousted as part of his contract.
If they get paid more. IF IF IF IF. More doom and gloom. But the reality isn't that. Yet, there are companies that are profitable that are listed on the NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ. They may not be record breaking profits but they are profits nonetheless. Just like when the companies that you have mentioned are profitable there are others that are not. That's why investors are not supposed to only invest in one sector, but to stay diverse so that they can ride out the rough patches.
FWIW, I want the average guy to lose his house if the average guy bought it with an interest only or ARM loan. Screw him for signing a marker that he couldn't cover. Just like I wanted gas to go up to get those casual SUV drivers. You play you pay. It's that simple.
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