Originally Posted by Laugh-O-Matic
India  Many things that would seem normal in the US and considered taboo or looked down upon here.
Like on-screen/movie smooching! A sure fire way to generate hype and controversy.
Didn't Richard Gere kiss an Indian actress? and the country went ape shit.
and to answer the question YES!!! I live in Philly, PA and theres 2 sex shops on the same street. One's called Mood which appeals to the women and the other Condom Kingdom that sells everything from movies to toys to party games to candy inspired sex organs to all kinds of condoms. Plus the staff their is pretty helpful with any question you have.
I met the most awesome chick there that told me stories of the oddest question asked.
I've been to both a few times alone with friends and ex boyfriend have yet to go with my current boyfriend yet.