Didn't quite expect this thread to debate the existance of a soul, that's more along the lines of tilted philosophy. But that's ok, adds a bit of intrigue to the conversation.
I'm still looking for some input on why US policy seems to be vehemently opposed to cloning. Maybe I'll show some of the folks in Politics to this thread.
Originally Posted by MSD
... The biggest concern I have is that clones' telomerase genes have already degraded and will lead to them quickly reaching the Hayflick limit, which could seriously fuck over the population if these degraded cells are passed on. As I understand it, the problem would compound with each generation until the species would be unable to produce viable offspring.
Isn't this concern specific to an outdated method of cloning?
Stem cells have complete telomeres. We use these for cloning, ne? It's the somatic cells where you run into problems with the Hayflick limit. Even then, one should be able to mess with expression and induce telomerase. Isn't the TERT / TERC complex trans-acting?