Originally Posted by dlish
i for one would get up at anytime to make sure that i get to see the events that i want - namely the womens high jump couldnt miss that for the world ..and the women pole vault
You know, for a guy that claims not to masturbate, you somehow picked the two athletics events with the hottest female athletes. Wonder why that is....
Quasi - I'm interested to see how Team USA does in the preliminaries in the next few weeks. I'm not convinced that they're capable of team play, especially since the professional game stresses individual skills so much. The European players in the league tend to share the ball much better than Americans, and on the international level sheer athleticism is no longer a guarantee for gold. They could win it, but I'm not convinced yet.
jorgelito - about 12 or 13 years ago, I lived in Riverside and spent most of my time in the Inland Empire. Trust me, as smoggy as it gets in LA, it's even worse there, except when the Santa Ana's overcome the ocean breeze.