There are reasonable limits to what we should allow to be done to the environment. A little pollution probably isn't bad, but when one starts to see an effect on entire ecosystems, the climate, etc., we could face unforeseen consequences.
We should make serious attempts to reduce the depositing of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. This means federal and state regulations on industry and those who manufacture pollution-causing machines. It would be amazing to see the instance of asthma decrease over time instead of increase as it has for decades.
We should seek out more reasonable sources of energy, which are renewable, stable, and don't require a massive economic investment in a natural resource that means global instability when it becomes rare. Technologies like wind, solar, hydro, nuclear, etc. are all worth exploring and seeking to improve. I read something nearly every day about how solar is becoming more and more efficient.
I'd like for my children and my childrens' children to enjoy real forests with real animals. This means that we may need to start really looking at recycling, reducing use, and reusing for our wood and paper needs.