Originally Posted by Atreides88
I believe that's what they call an "acid trip." I know it made me wonder whether or not somebody laced my drink.
Ahhh, you're right. Now that you reminded me I recall that for some reason I can't now recall, I was searching google for "psychedelic animated gif" when I found that. It is pretty wild and there were other similar hits on that search. It was easiest when searching "images".
The guy who made the one above has a pretty strange site, but I didn't find this one on his site:
Funny Video, Funny Pictures, Stupid Cartoons but it's on this page with some other mindblowing graphics...and turn up the sound, too
Google Image Result for http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z153/kylejbaker/Psychedelic_Ape.gif
For your continued entertainment, here's some others:

...etcetera etcetera etcetera...