Thread: Farewell TFP!
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Old 07-24-2008, 06:21 PM   #26 (permalink)
Riding the Ocean Spray
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Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
Originally Posted by Atreides88 View Post
I believe that's what they call an "acid trip." I know it made me wonder whether or not somebody laced my drink.
Ahhh, you're right. Now that you reminded me I recall that for some reason I can't now recall, I was searching google for "psychedelic animated gif" when I found that. It is pretty wild and there were other similar hits on that search. It was easiest when searching "images".

The guy who made the one above has a pretty strange site, but I didn't find this one on his site: Funny Video, Funny Pictures, Stupid Cartoons but it's on this page with some other mindblowing graphics...and turn up the sound, too Google Image Result for

For your continued entertainment, here's some others:

...etcetera etcetera etcetera...
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