Fellow with the green bay packers helmet for an avatar, this:
"Your nation tends to put itself at the forefront for everything, and then expects when things go bad, for people to look aside. It's a lack of political accountability, and at least a little, if not a lot of, arrogance that makes this possible. And even though it isn't (or shouldn't be), it's become an international joke. It doesn't make you or the individuals of your country that; not even close. But the way you allow yourselves to be presented is all we see. And because of that, that's why we're here. That's how I feel. "
...though it sounds real smart, means nothing...and purposefully - seriously ZERO. And this is what you wanted me to re-read? Its really a relatively simple thread topic, that YOU freaked over. To say that I got inflamed is ridiculous.
You never once addressed the point of the thread, took it in your own direction, and got pissed that I didn't follow your 51 Why I hate america points, and Daniel's 36 of them.
You and Hanukah Harry now get a head pat from me and an ass-kick out the door. Thats really all you deserve.