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Old 07-24-2008, 12:55 PM   #22 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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Location: Australia/UAE
Originally Posted by Willravel View Post
McDonalds uses all white meat now. They changed in 2003.

It's still the Olympics. They still get medals just like the Summer. Maybe we can ask some people that ski, play ice hockey and luge if they think that Winter Olympic Competitors should be taken seriously.

If this is supposed to be funny, you may want to give it less bite.

You're saying it asinine to think that Dubai could build a lot in a matter of a few years?

hmm.. i live right round the corner from those buildings... good choice Will

I just thought id let you know that dubai is intending on hosting the 2020 games. there is 'Sports City' being built at the moment where they intend t host many events there, its wont be the main event stadium, but a huge development which has already started and is intedned to take another 5 years at least. ive already bought an apartment there overlooking ernie els golf course. i think it would be worthwhile looking up sports city before you write if off.

as for seasons, well although its not technicallynot summer from oct-march, it may well be summer for any other country. i dont see a hiccup whenit comes to these things. sydney had its olympics in september, which wasnt summer, so i guess dubai could dothe same.

as for ski slopes..yeah you;re right jazz. we have a ski slope in the biggest shopping mall outside the USA. ive been there numerous times, but the run is only about 300m long. its fun for a few hours but then you get totally bored with it. its also very environmentally UNfriendly. they are intending on building some huge ski land in 'dubailand' - disneylands equivilant. watchout USA.

as for the terrorism question. out of the mid east id choose the UAE as the safest place. not cos i live here, but because its security services and intelligence services do their jobs well. i cant say ive seen any weapons of any kind whatsoever. when i was in yemen a few months back i saw enough weapons to last a lifetime. as for fundamentalism in the UAE, the emirates are actually quite liberal and the governments regulate the mosques. and while it borders saudi, it has no connections with the branch of islam that saudi preaches. the UAE is also US friendly as well as Iraq and Iran friendly. so i doubt that it would be involved in any war with either of them. yes they are pro arab, but definately not anti american.

highthief - as for the 2am schedule that sydney had - sorry to say hightheif, but the world doesnt comprise of Nth america only. so you want a nation 3/4 of the way around the earth to arrange its timings to suit just nth americas need..what about the rest of the world? what about thinking about the athletes? surely they wouldnt like to finish events at 7am, just so that you can enjoy watching it prime time in the comfort of your armchair.

id also be upset at the lack of world records if athletes were finishing their events at crazy hours of the morning just to suit someone else...why dont we just change the working hours of the whole nation while we're at it? i mean..those damn aussies stock markets work at different times to us.. synchronise them with ours and then they're ok.

sorry for the rant, i got a little carried away..

jorge - im still gathering my thoughts on eactly what is bothering me about china. it may well be the human rights, but im sure its not just that. theres just too many things that can go wrong.

as for australia having problems with aboriginals - it was actually illegal immigrants, or 'boat people' as the media like to call them. they get processed on islands off australian national waters and transfered back home or granted asylum visas to australia.. sounds a little like a well known island that processes people off american soil if you ask me. its not right but any means though.

jazz - is haile not running the marathon???? id be devastated if he's not. he's only the best long distance runner known to mankind.. it'd be a shame that he's not competing due to a countries inability to cleanup their act so to speak.
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