Originally Posted by ottopilot
I like their song "Round and Round".
Yeah, but these are attic rats, and that was from Out of the Cellar.
-----Added 24/7/2008 at 10 : 21 : 58-----
Originally Posted by Bilbert
Cats are for mice not rats. Rats will kill and eat a cat that has been locked in with them.
This may be true (I believe you), but my cats are pure hell on rats. I had a nest in my shed over the winter (unbeknownst to me) and the cats have been killing them off at a pretty good clip since Spring. On the other hand, having cats to kill rats is kind of like starting backfires - it works, but it's the same sort of evil.
They aren't smarter than you and they can't read your mind.
You work for them, don't you? Fess up. Everyone knows that only telepathic genius rats could survive and thrive in the meaty emanations of the Fortress of Burgertude.