Originally Posted by Charlatan
As for making excuses for the rude guy you met in the bar... I am troubled by the fact that so few actually took the time to condemn his actions. Perhaps I am being optimistic but I would like to believe that most would agree he was an asshole... that their points about why Americans are seen as arrogant by other nations was more about listing why someone would feel that way rather than being about his specific actions.
In other words, it is one thing to understand why the idiot would come to his conclusions. It is another to support his rudeness.
Again, I might be being too optimistic on this. But I don't think so.
I won't condemn the guy he was talking to. Maybe the Matthew was talking to was a dick, maybe he wasn't. But I have a hard time condemning someone's actions when I wasn't there to experience it, don't have video or audio or anything substantial to back up that he was a douche. All we have is a poster who is claiming someone else was being arrogant while his own words and attitudes shown in his initial and further postings show his own arrogance. And my personal, anecodotal, experiences have usually found that the more someone claims persecution, claim someone else was being arrogant or mean, most of the time we're hearing about it from them through their own rose-tinted glasses, which usually doesn't reflect reality accurately. There's nothing in this thread to condemn other than a bogeyman.