States should get to decide whether to socialize medicine or not. There are a lot of movements in California to get "universal health care" (which is single payer). If it does come to a vote and wins overwhelmingly, I don't want Kaiser or Humana or Blue Cross freaking out and suing the state, tying it up for years.
This would take the state government suddenly growing massive balls and it would take an army of attorneys to make sure it's rock solid.
I know California's government isn't perfect, I mean it owes quite a bit, but if we actually got together and gave it a good shot, and weren't afraid to talk to people who were familiar with the transition like Australians, it'd be good. We could model the transition for other states. If California was successful, Oregon and Washington would likely follow, then New England. If it was a success, then perhaps a change could happen at the federal level.
I'd fully expect there to be a lot of angry conservatives and libertarians, but so long as we demonstrated that it was a success, I can't imagine them having a very good argument.