Originally Posted by jorgelito
Ok, this is a whole different ball game. In that sense, I would agree that for example, school lunch menu planning needs to be more healthy. Ditto for vending machines. As a formerly poor person, I know all too well the challenges of obtaining healthy foods. Many neighborhoods simply do not have a reasonable choice. Example, in LA, some places do not even have a normal grocery store within a 10 mile radius but will have dozens and dozens of liquor stores, fast food joints etc. I used to take a bus to buy my groceries and was limited to what I could carry. But I was dedicated. I actually find healthy foods to be cheaper than processed junk foods. Clipping coupons helped, buying food in season helped.
These things go hand in hand. You have to be disciplined and help yourself. At the same time, the infrastructure (grocery stores, healthy lunch menus) need to be in place as well.
Grocery stores already include everything that is needed for one to eat a healthy diet. It's called the produce section. It's been there all along. In fact, in most stores, it's the first section you see. However, most people bypass it all together and go right to the twinkies and potato chips.
Shesus and I found that eating most of our food from the produce section not only keeps us healthier, but it cut our monthly food bill drastically. Buying healthy, fresh food is actually cheaper than buying the processed food. Only, you can't microwave a salad. You actually have to make it. Well, even now there are pre-tossed salads in a bag.
Aside from the afore-mentioned maladies that cause obesity, in today's society, I think it actually takes more effort to eat a lousy diet than it does to eat healthy.
Now, on an entirely different front. People with eating addictions aren't going to get a damn bit of help simply by changing what they eat. They need to find the root of their addiction and deal with that, otherwise they will never get past the fact that their overeating is an addiction, not a conscious choice. There are people who
do exercise, but eat so goddamn much it nullifies any benefit exercising gives them.