Today is here and so am I
I'm here to try to tell you why
Why I'm flying with the breeze
Floating high above the trees
I heard a song and smiled and sang
And then my cellphone shook and rang
A call from one who makes me smile
I havent heard from in a while
The memories of a happy time
She called me and she used her dime
Then of a day she told me of
When she first found she fell in love
I smiled when of that day she spoke
That guy sure was a lucky bloke
We talked and laughed and then were done
She said I'd like to see you hon
And now tonite she's coming over
We'll undress and she'll be my lover
So now you know why I am smiling
And why my heart continues flying
And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart