Originally Posted by abaya
Ha! Well, there you go.
I always figured that if/when most women watch porn, they want it to be some drawn-out thing with a plot, etc (based on the women-produced porn I see at sex shops)... and I don't fit into that, as I just want to see the ol' in and out, up close, and get off on it quick. Good to know that other women feel the same way, and interesting that some men like the drawn-out aspects, in contrast. It's all good.
For me it all depends on what else is going on in my life. Back when I was working full time and running a slide business (at times more then one business) I probably watched 1-2 hrs a year total. Now that I don't have several irons in the fire at once I can do either- sit and watch a whole movie or just 8mins. of one. Mostly that still depends on what else I have planned for the day/evening. Which can leave me not watching any for days and or weeks. Spend all day sailing, diving, fishing etc... and I'm too tried to even watch other people have sex.
As for women I've met a couple recently that have completely changed my perception of the female/porn relationship. Currently I find myself stereotyping German ladies as completely kinky. I'm sure that not true. But it didn't stop me from checking into a long term German visa.