Originally Posted by guccilvr
Look here's the deal. Will fucked up. And Cyn fucked up. They apologized for it. There isn't some long explanation. they just wanted to make sure the membership understood they were trying to become better in their actions.
Doesn't mean I have to appreciate vague apologies, which are next to useless in my book. If Cyn wanted to apologize to Will, he could've done it with a PM - Will would know what it was an apology for. If Will wanted to apologize to Cyn, he could've done it in PMs - Cyn would know what it was an apology for.
If, however, the intent of either of them was to apologize to
us, the TFP plebeians, as it were, it'd be better served by letting us know what specifically they're apologizing for. So far as I can see, there's nothing visible on TFP that needed a board-wide apology. The aforementioned "flame" and banning are long gone.