Cyn, I can tell you put a lot of time into this apology.
I'm not going to join around the campfire and sing kumbayah with the rest of the crew though. I've been working on eliminating game playing and manipulation in my personal life, so why not here.
I have been thinking about the evolution of TFP for quite awhile now. I've noticed it slowly turning into a suburban neighborhood. We've got to keep appearances and make sure not to upset anyone with what we say. We have to make sure that it's 'safe'. I realize this argument has been made before and rebutted. But, I wanted to say it again because there is a change. Now the mods can't even keep their decisions?
As a teacher, I'm sure there are a lot of things going behind the scenes that we don't see. I know that I've punished many students for things that they've done. Their friends didn't see it and complained. I explained that we don't advertise problems and in order to keep the classroom going in the direction we want it to go, I have to make decisions that sometimes make people upset. With this said, there may be some plan behind the scenes that I don't see and would explain this castration of power.
I know that it is impossible to make everyone happy. That is an unrealistic goal. Battles have to be chosen and action must be taken. However, if this is the direction TFP is going, I'm not sure if I enjoy it. It seems that ego and power trips prevail. It has lost an edge and it's not as fun as it used to be. Maybe, it's because I've changed too. Most likely it's a combination.
Overall, I'm disappointed that members can have more power than moderators. I'm disheartened as to the direction I see the forum taking. I'm wise enough to realize that what will be will be. I am mature enough to know when to throw in the towel.
I have been hoping it would eventually go back to the raunchy, silly fun it used to have. I actually saw a glimmer of hope every now and again. The past couple weeks, I was very excited thinking that changes were coming and a path back to the somewhat original plan was created. I realized that even with a facelift, it's not. In fact, from what I see, it has taken the opposite fork.
I usually bite my tongue, but I felt that I needed to say this today.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company