Originally Posted by matthew330
I can't argue with anything you've said Charlatan. Makes sense to me. But going back to my original point. On an individual level, what's foreign to me is that its okay to insist on a conversation with an American when he's in your country where America is belittled and insulted. That does not happen here, and seems to be the norm outside of this country.. The posts on this board never directly addressed that point, but seem to be saying it's okay and heres why - you have something called "the patriot act".
-----Added 21/7/2008 at 08 : 45 : 10-----
....and the jazz has completely lost it.
I think you will find that most people here have agreed with you that your encounter in Canada was not acceptable. Clearly the guy you met was an asshat.
As for it not happening in US, I would suggest that it does happen but that you are not party to it. I know I have been sitting with Americans in America and had them disparage Canada, the French and the Middle East to people from those respective nations and regions.
The key is that it's easier to spot this sort of behaviour when you are are the recipient.
As for why it's happening to Americans... I think this thread is bubbling with some of the resentment, anger and frustration that has lead many non-Americans to feel the way they do.
While I am not certain about his, I suspect it might have something to do with my point about how most foreigners relate to Americans... through cultural exports. It's easy to objectify an American when they seen through a cultural prism. It can be a bit of shock when you meet one in person and they don't live up to the stereotype... worse yet, they are human and can argue back.
I would suggest, this is the sort of thing that happens in the US when Americans meet muslims and find out that as individuals many are actually quite nice... if you follow me.