I'm Canadian, not European, and my country is the second largest land mass. No excuses from me. It takes me days to get to Kansas. I've been there. Ever been to the east coast of Canada? It's amazing.
Here's the thing Matty Matterson (isn't that condescending?) your posts ooze exactly what you are trying to disprove. Even worse, since you've been an active member since 2003, I figured that you would have a handle on how this place runs. It's not a place for standing your ground in the face of opposition, but rather learning things about others and how they live their lives. It's about educating yourself and other's, not just the latter. So here is where we find our problem dude.
Your argument is that American's are not ignorant, but you continually refuse to refute all of the points, and then choose some that work within your own vein of chosen subject. Your excuse is exactly, again, what your saying isn't part of American culture. You say "we are welcoming" but follow with "why the hell would I need to know that you moral high horses".
Here's the thing. Our moral high horse is a standard you, yourself, claimed to be on as well, which is one of an open mind; open to the possibility that we don't know the best. That we aren't the authority on what is and isn't. Kansas or not I come from one of the smallest, and poorest provinces in Canada. I come from a Capital City that has less then 70,000 people. A common way to make money is to work in the trades, to farm, or to work in lumber/forestry. Also we are the only officially bi-lingual province, a hub for culture, a center of Canadian pride and beauty, and most certainly not ignorant.
You see the difference between you and me is I am ashamed when I don't know something about anything. You feel justified. That is arrogance.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.