The Torture Thread
What do you think about torture? Is it moral/ethical/excusable? Is it a means to an end or the ends not justifying the means? Does it produce reliable intel that can save lives, or is the intel unreliable? Is the US using torture methods?
I don't think it's a good idea because, as I understand, not only does it not yield reliable intel but it also places the nation doing the torturing in a really bad place. When I think back to previous governments/administrations/parties that have used torture, I can't think of any of them being looked back on in a positive light, at least for the torturing. While I'm not privy to information from military interrogations that include torture techniques, it would seem that a prisoner tortured would give up any intelligence, reliable or not, just to end the torture.
Last edited by Willravel; 07-22-2008 at 09:16 AM..