I've recently overcome any issues with nudity that I ever had so I like to think I wouldn't have a problem going to a nude beach. Least not on my own, I would probably have an issue if I went with certain friends of mine - ok so maybe not all my issues
Far as I know there aren't any nude beaches in my general area there are however ALOT of top optional ones, I've gone topless a few times which is not fun exactly but soothing, the warmth of the sun, occasional tickle of a slight breeze off the water. It's all ruined however when some smart ass walks buy "Whoa Dude check out the rack on her" or the snicking sound of a camera shutter. I'm also slightly uncomfortable putting sunscreen on my breasts, that's right you get alot of looks when you're rubbing a white viscous fluid into your skin.
These days if I want to do some nude sunbathing or swimming I just wait til everyone has gone to work then sit out in the backyard, only been walked in on by delivery guys a few times.