best possible wishes. that said... take EVERYTHING your doctors say with a grain of salt and as much skepticism as possible given the situation. my mother caught some malignant cancer under her arm early, and i mean early.... the docs even admitted they were pretty sure they got the whole patch out just in the biopsy to determine it was malignant.
from there they put her through radiation "just in case", and looking back after the research i've done im convinced it was unnecessary... and it took a lot from her. i'm thinking years off her life. you'd like to think that doctors are above ordering unnecessary things like mechanics can tend to do for your car, but if you go to a surgeon, they're apt to propose surgery because it's what they know, and they DO reap benefits from every job they do. just make sure you look down all the other avenues of therapy and treatment, including eastern and holistic ones, and try the LEAST harmful ones first.
best of luck.
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.