Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
I doubt it. SCOTUS left the door wiiiiiiide open for almost any kind of regulation short of a total ban. If DC wants to limit "legal handguns" to 5-shot revolvers manufactured by Colt, and make the permit to keep one cost $100,000 they can do just that.
Because in your world the physically weak being at the mercy of the physically strong is a good thing? I take it you've never been in a fight with someone who significantly outweighed you. Now bear in mind that the average female is 30% lighter, 5 inches shorter, and has 25% less skeletal muscle mass than the average man. I guess "rapist" is a good career choice in your world.
No, I've never been in a fight at all. I move in different circles than such animals, so I don't think in terms of fighting. I'm glad you have your weapons to protect you.