Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Holy crap, I think I might pass out. For those who don't know, I'm a freakin' Beatlemaniac. If the Fab Four come to the Guitar Hero franchise, I think I might lose it.
If they do it anything like the Aerosmith game, it should be pretty good. I don't care either way; it's all about the music. I'd love to interact with it in a game like this for some casual fun. And they could fill it out with other '60s rock tunes. Maybe just British Invasion.
What do you guys think? It's going to be expensive, but, hey, I still really hope this goes through.
It's a good marketing move doing games for bands that have a long history of hits and a large fanbase. I dont like Aerosmith and I think the Beatles are way overrated, but I could see alot of people buying it even if they didnt own an xbox/wii or whatever beforehand.
Pretty brilliant.