Originally Posted by Terrell
I understand the intended satire, but I do think that it plays to the falsehoods that are being spread about Obama, for those that don't get the joke, or for whatever reason don't want to get the joke.
Agreed. If it were a magazine that would only, EVER be seen by its loyal subscribers, then maybe it would be okay (maybe). But the fact that it sits on every Barnes and Noble magazine shelf and maybe even some grocery store shelves for every uninformed, gullible eye to see and take in as some form of "truth" (I don't put much hope in the general American public, I'm afraid)... it's just too risky for this campaign. There's too much at stake, and little to be gained (by whom, other than the New Yorker?), by running something like this at this point in the game. Our nation is not discerning enough to have images like this propped in front of it for ready consumption.