Originally Posted by ratbastid
But.... We're talking about DirecTV here, right? The satellite service?
Each receiver box has to have its own satellite receiver. There are dish hardware pieces that hold multiple receivers (the pointy piece that sticks out in the middle of the dish, in other words), but for each receiver, there has to be a physical satellite antenna receiver point.
In fact, my DirecTV DVR has two tuners (so it can record two things, or watch one and record another) and it needed a double-receiver dish. One box, TWO receiver points on the dish.
It's not like cable. You can't just hang a bunch of TVs or tuner boxes off the wire and get it to work. Something's going on with YOUR receiver. Has to be. Am I nuts here, Tully?
I understand not annoying the management, but I think I'd still talk to them about this. If your water came out rusty, you'd talk to them, right? If the air conditioner was blowing hot? How is this any different, if it's a "utility" that they "pay for"?
No you're not nuts. But he doesn't have a receiver. He's on a commercial set-up. I don't know exactly which type. Given the number of channels he's getting and the number of units he's talking about I'm sure we could figure the exact type of system. However given the end user can't do anything to improve the picture quality it really doesn't matter.
What you're talking about is a standard residential set-up. One Sat for up to 6 or 8 receivers with each TV having it's own receiver. What he has is more like a lot of hotels have, where all you have in each room is a standard RG-6 coaxial cable going to each TV.