dc_dux, I want you to consider two examples of why I think it is hopeless to attempt to work within "the system" as it is presently structured....it is because the PTB ARE "the system"...it's their system....one theme.... war through strength.....belligerence equals profit...and we musn't ever let the sheeple graze near the French side of the fence....or, they might ask.... how do so many of those Frenchmen enjoy a better life with such high taxes and big government?
Originally Posted by roachboy
.....there's nothing particularly Amazing about recognizing the fact of class domination in the united states. it IS kinda amazing that once you say: there it is, sports fans, right in front of you---you position yourself outside the dominant political discourse.
Read the page that dispalys and the page that follows.....it's
"bomb, bomb, bomb" Bob Lovett at the Ex-Comm...chasing away Adlai's saner view....bonesman Bob from Jupiter Island.... of the opposite party and out of power, but still sitting in JFK's crisis committee, to drown out Stevenson....notice that JFK raises the point that it might be a good idea to consider all POV.....it's only about millions of lives hanging in the balance:
and here is how an appointment, outside the sphere of influence of Bob Lovett's li'l Jupiter Island circle of bonesmen, spooks, and mega rich industrialists, was received, even from the members of Carter's own effing party.....
Monday, Jan. 31, 1977
....After Senator Pat Moynihan introduced his fellow New Yorker as a man by whom the CIA "will be well served," the slender, bespectacled Sorensen took over. Looking grim and even more somber than usual, he read a vigorous ten-page rebuttal of what he called "scurrilous and personal attacks." When he had finished, he picked up another piece of paper and began reading from it. "It is now clear," he said, "that a substantial portion of the U.S. Senate and the intelligence community is not yet ready to accept as director of Central Intelligence an outsider who believes as I believe." As the 15 members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence visibly stiffened, Sorensen went on to announce that he was withdrawing his nomination. The battle was over before it had really been joined......
I'm done, dc_dux...done with the pretense, remember the Stone's song lyrics:
"let's drink to the stay at home voter....the choice of cancer or polio....."
I share what I know and discover, as in my newest thread here....I can lead the grazing party to water, but I can't make 'em drink....and no offense to you, personally, dc_dux. I respect you, and your knowledge, experience and opinion....and I genuinely want to know what you think, even as it appears that, in my anger and frustration, I am driving you away. i apologize for that, but this is a dark, dark, month...and the blissful "sunnyness". coming from the Obama supporters, is a tragedy of denial IMO, not a celebration......