Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I suppose that anything could be spun to bring light to anything...if you reach far enough.
Yes, but it is bringing up a direct reference to torture, albeit to simply prove that he's either lying or senile. I've already stated that the two stories really aren't related on the surface, but does that mean that one cannot lead into the other?
Rachel Maddow (hot lesbian progressive) made this connection very briefly on MSNBC's Countdown on Friday. It really caught my attention as I didn't expect the media, even the liberal media, to finally bring up the fact that McCain used a strong, personal argument against torture. It was something I might expect of fringe news like Democracy Now, but a cable news station?
Originally Posted by guyy
America has always been OK with torture as long as it's done to others or for the benefit of anti-commie or anti-Arab regimes. That means torturing or killing brownish people is OK, especially if they're Muslims, because, you know, they make their women wear veils and don't let them drive and stuff.
I really hope you're wrong.
Originally Posted by Cynth
I see this as a nonstory since the detail isn't that big of a detail, not like saying you ran for cover under sniper fire when clearly there is footage of you walking calmly out of the plane.
The Packers/Steelers thing is basically a non-story, yes. Anyone paying attention already knows McCain's probably senile, and which team he named couldn't be less important. I happen to think the issue of torture is very important, though, and I want it brought up regardless of the method by which it becomes an issue.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Politicians back away from uncompromisable moral convictions all the time.
It's kind of like celebrity marriages. People love it when they happen, but they're never really surprised when they end.
I'm sorry, I was staring at your avatar.
Still, I do find that at least some people have the mental capacity to pay attention to ideals or polities that matter to them, and it's clear most progressives and even plenty of conservatives really aren't comfortable with torture. On top of that, senility in a presidential nominee was a big deal when Dole was running.