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Old 07-14-2008, 10:59 AM   #1 (permalink)
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The Mind Portal...Sex Mapping and more!


I am happy to open this thread about the workings of something that is called that Mind Portal. What is the Mind Portal? How does it tie into the 3 topics of sex, philosophy, and politics? These questions I am going to attempt to shine light upon...let us begin with some pictures:

(click on thumbnail to enlarge)

By jozenbo at 2008-01-22
(A blank Time Map, which can be used however one so desires and sees fit)

The Mind Portal is essentially a time map out functions of time. It can be used in many other ways as well; as the spiral graph provides a convenient way to configure and control graphical information systems. A few examples; a spinning Mandala grid, a meditation device, a mathematics graph, a canvas for producing spinning art, a auto-suggestion device, a dream map, a day code map, a learning tool, and still more.

I am currently working with 3 systems; the day code map- which is the primary use and most potent, a dream map for mapping out my dreaming mind, and a language learning program- I am assembling the Finnish language into this, and it appears there are others who will be assembling other languages into maps as well...then we will swap the info and perform the experiments...

Without a question the day code map is the most potent means of increasing awareness of one's time and life, as to produce a good day code, one must put together a code using geometrical symbols to represent and define the possible things one does with one's time. It involves groups of categories and their sub-departments. For example: cooking, cleaning, working, relations, business, exercise, dating and sex, etc.

I have yet to discuss the sexual side of this anywhere is great detail, so here is begins...

The first map I used had at its center focus 3 things tracked. They I felt, my prayers (I worship), and SEX! So, aside from being a map that tracks down my work, my meditations, my studies, and so on, it is a sex map as well- if used as one.

If I had sex, little symbols in the center circle of the units of days will quickly reveal this to me, this was the first and fastest of the code tracks for me to memorize, and personally one of the most important! Think of it as a big spinning black!

Spinning...yes. When this code is recorded into the map and spun it yields powerful and yet unpredictable affects on the mind and consciousness, altering the perception and senses to begin sensing more then before. It also increases sensitivity (= better orgasms) and arousal.

Each bit of info acts on the memory and activates it. Consider what that means for a second when sex symbols are used. The memories are reinforced, and thus the awareness, and that it is an attractor calendar, it tends to attract to one's experience that which one focuses their coding tracks upon.

This is for manifesting desires and entering the deepest regions of consciousness...all leading to...much better sex (not to mention new possibilities)!

After all...lets face it...Sigmund Freud was genius....when he brought to our awareness the most fundamental and basic desires of human...DESIRE NUMBER is better and better sex...desire number two is to be important (because its attractive...leads to better sex and refers back to primal desire number one). He was blunt and honest about his observations of the human mind...thank god!

I have been going very deep into my mind with this thing in an effort to better understand myself, and I have found that I must agree with Freud on this one, as I root out my deepest desires, I find them to be sexual in nature. I have been trying to understand exactly why the sight of lesbians arouse me so and even induce a state of temporary madness/clarity in my mind, and as I went deeper I realized this desire would neither cease nor be oppressed. That is my nature...if I reject it I find that I am unhappy with myself, so I will not do this. I think there are many men out there who can relate! I am how I am, and I am glad of it.

The Mind Portal...sprang out of my mind after going through a huge blend of many experiences, I can even draw up a map of them; but not now. Towards the final moments of its appearance there where many areas of study involved combined with many intentions and desires. Over a span of time, my brain went through a serious shifting in conscious awareness as I engaged with my lovely wife in many long episodes of wild mind altering & crazy sex...sometimes lasting as long as 8 hours. We were like rabbits on viagra back then (note: full time working tends to drains the sex drive).

When I search my mind I find that this was an essential part of the Mind Portal's appearance, that without having these long crazy orgasms where I thought I was going to literally die it was so good, this could of never appeared. Sex, especially really, really good sex- opens the mind and generates increases of inspiration and creativity, both required to produce or perceive the potentials waiting to be discovered.

Before this opening gets so long it scares...I will now dive into the philosophical and political sides of it. But first...

By jozenbo at 2008-04-08

This is the Muladara Yantra for stimulating the root chakra, its color is red and its shape is a square. According to Kriya Tantra Yoga, if this is stared at and the energy of the shape and color internalized by breathing and visualization techniques, it will charge the root chakra and make one far more potent and charged up sexually!!!

Now take this image, enlarge it, place it on a wheel, and spin it while doing so...then this is further amplified many times more then before. One is literally gathering the energy as it enters the eyes and formulates in the brain. Real stuff happening here.

I am a little behind with my tantra practices, but I have worked with it enough to verify for myself beyond any doubt that it is really powerful stuff! Why have a 30 second orgasm...when it an last for hours, which is one of the things tantra teaches and I learned! Here, we see the Mind Portal tying into Tantra, which ties into sex!

By jozenbo at 2008-03-21
(Color Example)

(Thumbnail of example code)

The two pictures above provide examples of what a day code structure might look like, either using color or not. The 3 means to produce a code for tracking time include using count, color, and form. Color is self explanatory, the meaning of red appearing in one region as opposed to another may change its definition or value, depending on how the code is defined. The count is found in shapes that imply numbers...a square for 4, a triangle for 3, a star for 5, etc. These are also giving values and meanings as chosen by the encoder. The form is found in how the star or square is drawn up, as there are many different ways to do this. I will provide some examples later.

The affects of using this as a non-spinning mind map or as a spinning mind map vary dramatically and remain to be studied be any academic means. There is no official database to turn to here, no authorities with knowledge of what the Mind Portal is or how it works. Its a new development of our times, and it will be interesting to see what further investigating and study reveal.

To give a quick example of how the affects very, spinning the day code shows indications that is slows the perception of time down tremendously, can cause mind warping jumps (difficult to clarify at this time...either entering a virtual reality or parallel universe), refocusing and readjusting the eyes so they can see energies that where not normally visible...such as Chi, and still many more. These affects have not been observed as resulting after simply using the map without spinning it- spinning it makes a huge difference.

So, now we come to the philosophical nature and questioning. It is rooted in everything I can think of, all the studies I indulged in that gathered into awareness of this possibility. It will take some time to review the philosophical base; it begins with so much...and I have found the openings that are simply too long tend to get I will let it wait a little. If anyone is following this, I doubt they will have a hard time seeing that there are philosophical lines of thought here to be pondered. Soon!

Last we come to the political regions. I personally haven't found politics to be very interesting through out my life growing up, though this is changing little by little. One question in mind will this affect politics? We can't say for sure until more conclusive information is gathered. Though I can say this, I am in the process of mailing the Ministries of Information and Technology or Science as they are found within separate governments. I am making a list of who I sent the information to, and intend to send notification to each government there is on this world. I am moving alphabetically and am currently at D.

My guess is that they won't pay much attention until there is enough reason to, so as soon as I am done mailing Zimbabwe (the last one) I will be focusing more energy into getting this out on the consider this a preview or hint of whats to come.

I will now share a link where this map can be downloaded for free. Also, in this link there is a Manual I wrote in two parts free for the downloading, it explains a lot about the Mind Portal, focusing on its over different uses, which includes dreams. The 36x38 files are for American printing standards (for full sized prints), and the A0 are for European printing standards. Please feel free to download these free files and have fun mapping out your dreams. Thank You!
(Link to free Map downloads)

If you have any questions, I will answer what I can, otherwise feel free to project your thoughts and feelings, so long as they are constructive and thoughtful. Thanks!

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