Originally Posted by guyy
Speaking of bad lyrics, did people see the Germaine Greer article on Bob Dylan in the Guardian. I quote: I tend to agree with GG, but when she uses phrases like "Fustian of this ilk", you have to wonder about her aesthetic sensibilities.
See the whole article here.
So pretentious and literate is even less surprising than pretentious and illiterate. Pretentious, literate, and pedantic even less so.
Originally Posted by Derwood
anything by KISS
Examples? I mean, I could have started out by making one of my examples, for instance, "Daft Punk" or "electronica of any sort", but innstead I pulled out examples. In this case it would be to argue the value (low) of the following:
"Work It/ Make It/ Do It/ Makes Us/ Harder/ Better/ Faster/ Stronger/ More/ Than/ Hour/ Our/ Never/ Ever/ After/ Work is/ Over" (Note that these might be OK lyrics if they weren't the ONLY lyrics.)
And, regardless of the indisputable fact that KISS largely wrote their lyrics to appeal to 13 year old boys, making the bulk of it tripe by default, "Going Blind" is and excellent song by nearly any measure.
Originally Posted by guyy
Rush lyrics? Whatever else you say about them, it's hard to get around the fact that they're sung by Geddy Lee.
True that in that he looks like the love child of Carley Simon and Iggy Pop and sounds like Biddie Bird covering Opeth.
I'd say that Rush's years of great lyrics are behind them. We will never see another "Tom Sawyer", but we may well see many more outtakes from Presto.
The only lyric of theirs that comes even close to belonging here is, "I knew that he was different/in his sexuality," so far as I recall (though I stopped paying attention after Presto made it clear that they were just marking time at this point.)