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Old 07-14-2008, 09:56 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Location: Cottage Grove, Wisconsin
Originally Posted by DDDDave
To answer the original question - Yes.

IMHO, it is still way too early to make any kind of call. I predict the election will turn on a UFO. What?? Martians deciding the election? No. The UFO term coined by Tom Brokaw. The UnForseen Occurence. Something that, for now obviously, is unforeseen. Maybe a change in the states quo in Iraq. (A big surge by Al-Qaida would lend credence to McCain.)
You may be right about the effect of an Al-Qaida surge in Iraq on the election, but remember that it was the invasion of Iraq that created an Al-Qaida problem in Iraq. Despite the horseshit spewed by Cheney and distributed by major media outlets, there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaida. It would be quite perverse if an "Al Qaida surge" would somehow benefit Mr. 100 Years in Iraq.
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