Originally Posted by Delirious
The movie started out great. There were funny moments and Hancock was an interesting character. However about halfway the movie jumped the shark so to speak. The whole plot line with Charlize Theron should have been eliminated. There wasn't enough background to even care about Hancock and his relationship with her. They should have just focused on him being in prison, the support group, the basketball, and then later his PR stuff with the police, the city, and maybe use the villains from prison and the bank as a climax
I agree, the twist was a flop-would have made a good sequel. I really wanted to see more of the prison stuff and to build on who he was and why he was this way and then how he became better and why and stuff. The pace of the movie was off too. I did like it by in large, but it just seemed some parts were rushed when others should have been omitted.
I am interested to see the the special features when it comes out on video.