Originally Posted by loquitur
host, if she wants to post on it, there is an obama related thread somewhere already.... I don't think she has said anything that a lot of other people haven't said already, actually.
At the most basic level, though, isn't having a president who can get an articulate intelligible sentence out of his mouth a HUGE change?
loquitur, I am imploring people to THINK !!!!! Not, to simply convey "feelings". We are in a crisis because people are satisfied that they have clear choices because of clear, material differences between the two major parties and their candidates.... I am saying that they don't....last time out...both major presidential candidates were members of a secret society at Yale university that "taps" fifteen new members each year....
There are more than 150 million eligible voters in this country, and that is what is offered up as "choice", as diversity?
Both major candidates in this election, shamelessly wrap themselves in the flag of Israel, and are committed to increasing defense spending in a country deeply mired in government debt, a country already spending ten times as much on defense and intelligence functions than it's nearest rival, and at least as much as the rest of the world combined, spends, yet it is a country with just 6 percent of the world's population....
WHy do you think that is, loquitiur? Have you read any of my posts with facts about the PTB...because you have not commented....?