Originally Posted by Strange Famous
These rules were in place and and well known to him when Chambers decided to take steroids. He made his choices then.
That doesn't neccessarily matter - if the penalties are deemed to be too harsh too begin with, which is probably the basis upon which he will challenge in the courts.
Basically, if UK Athletics said "all drug cheats will have their left nut amputated" it would be a no brainer that the punishment is too harsh and beyond the scope of UK Athletics to impose. One of the principle questions the courts will seek to answer (if Dwain's lawyer has half a brain) is does UK Athletics have the right to effectively end Dwain's career by banning him from the Olympics?
Truth is, UK Athletics is treating this like a vendetta, which it is.
1) Dwain is a high profile athlete who tested positive
2) He made statements to the effect that if you medal in the Olympics or World Championships, you are likely on drugs, which put a lot of noses out of joint
3) UK Athletics dropped the ball on testing Dwain. They assumed he had retired, but he never had - consequently, he went through a long period without being tested (including during that NFL Europe stint, IIRC). UK Athletics looked pretty stupid over that one
4) I don't think racism is an overt factor, but I do wonder if it was Paula Radcliffe, Kelly Sotherton or other sweet little white girl would the reaction be the same? Or would they get a break that big, bad Dwain Chambers won't be afforded?