Good neighbors? Yeah, I've had a few. I also had the ones who stopped talking to us (along with their cronies on our street) for five years after their dog bit me while I was on the way to the bus in sixth grade and they blamed me because of something I allegedly did (didn't) years ago. I also had the guy who made his house the highlight of the grade school bus route by shooting his truck 35 times and spraypainting "ouch" on it. Years later, we came home to find the street lined with SWAT and FBI cars, an dwere advised to stay inside until we got an all-clear from them. Just last year, I slept through a hostage situation that started as a husband-wife argument over whether he should have told the cop "go fuck yourself" when they told him he needed to get retroactive permits for construction done on his house before he could sell it.
Good thing I live in a good area of the 7th safest town in America, otherwise I would have had to shoot back by now.