We've yet to get to know the neighbors at our new place--we've met a few of them, but haven't really talked to them much. The woman across the street came by the night we moved in and introduced herself. The place behind us had some new folks move into it just a couple days ago (similar situation to us, dad bought the property for his daughter to live in, though he's doing it for an investment, not to eventually live in himself, and we've yet to meet our neighbors on either side, though we've certainly heard them. Our first night here, our neighbors to the north decided to have friends over and have a fire outside; they were chopping wood at 1am. What the heck?! We'll have to get to know them, because while I'm okay with noise on Friday and Saturday nights, it's just not cool on a weeknight, especially given the noise curfew in this town is 10pm-7am--regardless of the night of the week. I doubt any of them will be as cool as your neighbor, but I still have hope.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau