Yeah, I'm agreeing with twistedmosaic on the "$200 for an 8gb flash drive" thing - I think you're paying mostly for the 'cool' factor. Don't think of a flash drive as a backup solution - it isn't. Everything you put on it that you care about should be backed up, because Things Happen. Even if this drive is significantly sturdier than others, at 3x the price, you could just buy more 'standard' drives if the first one breaks....which is pretty rare, AFAIK. Solid state and all.
Personally, I've had a 4gb sandisk cruzer for a couple of months now that I'm pretty happy with. I wiped whatever software crap was on it first thing, though, and just use it as a USB drive under linux.
To me, there are three real factors for buying a USB drive. First, reliability - in that you don't want it to crap out when you're trying to do something. Anything but the cheapest crap should be fine here. Second, speed - for instance, the corsair voyager GT is supposed to be faster than the standard drive according to corsair and various reviews...if that's a factor for you, maybe it's worth the premium. Third is just the shape - does it have a cap that you'll lose? Is it ginormous? Are the USB contacts expose so they might be damaged? Is it so small that you'll lose it? Does it attache easily to a keychain?
Originally Posted by twistedmosaic
Ok, personally, that's probably the one I'd get. Small, fast, has a little loop to attach to my keychain - the only drawback I can see is the exposed USB connectors. I'd be afraid they'd get damaged eventually in my pocket with the keys.