Originally Posted by Daniel_
I learned the Imperial system and drinking in England. A good beer in this country is often 4 - 5% ABV, and a pint is 20 fl oz.
I thought it hillarious as a student to meet Americans who thought they could drink because "back home" they had five pints on an evening. Obviously that's 5 pints of beer at 2 - 3% ABV and a pint is 16fl oz.
So 5 x 16 = 80 fl oz. at 2% that's the equivalent of 1.6 oz of pure ethanol.
In English beer, that's 32 fl oz (at 5%), so 1 1/2 pints.
It's fun teaching Americans that they know shit about beer.
The beer we drink in Oregon is typically over 5% ABV; microbrews and craft brews have higher alcohol content, and they're what's popular here. One of my favorites is a beer brewed down in California by Stone Brewing called Arrogant Bastard--it comes in at 7.2%. When I am planning on an evening of drinking with friends, I usually go for Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, which clocks in at 5.6%. Bud and Miller and the ilk come in at 3.2% ABV, but most people around here don't drink that.
I wouldn't drink 5 pints in an evening regardless...two is good enough for me. My heavy drinking days are long over--my stomach can't hold that much beer any more!