I am one of those religious types. I won't inject my religous beliefs like some have. That is better suited for another place. I will share my experience with you.
While I did not wait until marriage (I was not a religous type in my teens), I married a wonderful woman who did. Like Milkyway, I now regret not waiting as my wife did. It hurt her emotionally to know I had been with other women. That is the last thing I ever would want to do. In hindsight I would not do it again, because of the love I have for my spouse.
Also, my best friend was a religious type. He got very involved with a girl and she wanted it to get sexual. He gave in and lost his virginity with her. She ended up dumping him and going back to her old loser boyfriend. My buddy was crushed. Even though he has been married for 14 years now, he still mentioned the hurt he felt over his first when we talked just a few weeks ago.
If your girlfriend truely loves you, she would understand. Milkyway is an example of that.