.NET Framework is f***ed
My computer has been in a downward spiral for the past 6 months. Errors occurs far more frequently as the days go on. Now, I can't even use my password manager without it freezing.
It is all my programs that use .NET framework, specifically 1.1 and 2 it seems. I have been trying to uninstall/repair/change them for the last two hours without success. Every time it errors out saying that this will affect other programs, the repair download was interrupted, I do not have rights to do this (I AM the Administrator), or I cannot run uninstallers whilst in Safe Mode. I've tried to run a Windows Update or Repair, but I do not get as far each time I try to reach Windows Update.
Now I am pulling my hair out, trying not to throw the DBAN disc in while screaming, "Fuck you!" Any tips before I declare DBA Thermal Nuclear War on this machine and hammer out an Ubuntu install?