Let's just say that if a bar or pub in this town attempted to start selling pints that weren't actually pints...there would be a riot. A couple places in town serve their beer in glasses other than pint glasses--namely oversized pilsner glasses--but they are definitely 16 oz. or more. There are a couple chain restaurants that do this that I've been to out of town, but they skirt around it by serving their beer in mugs instead of pint glasses, and they don't necessarily call them pints.
But yeah, I've been out with people to restaurants where they complained that they ordered a pint and got one of these falsies. My dad would definitely bitch if he ordered a pint and got some tiny sort-of-pint instead. One of our favorite bars in the town where my best friend lives serves their beers in glasses that look like falsies, but they aren't--a friend bought the actual glass one time and we took it home and measured it. They have the thick bottom like the falsies do, but they're also bigger overall. Very confusing!
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau