Originally Posted by allaboutmusic
This is true, but if the opinion being expressed is on a topic that could change the way someone does something in life, it's not unreasonable to ask if there is supportive evidence. And if such a request is made, it's not unreasonable to be slightly suspicious if evidence is not provided. It's not personal, simply a way to avoid rumours and old-wives-tales from being distributed here. And I'm sure you'll agree that avoiding misinformation is a good thing. 
I agree with you about 50%. I also think people should take personal responsibility.
me for an opinion that is unsupported doesn't change where the ultimate responsibility rests if the reader is considering changing the way they do things. If I was suspicious in the first place I would hardly rely only on support provided by the one person I questioned - especially on an internet forum where the members are not vetted. That's like taking blogging as real news.
Sorry, but personal responsibility (response-able as Stephen Covey would say in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, an actual published book) trumps everything - in my "opinion" - with no supporting peer reviews for my opinion other than his book.